Why We Started 33 Lock

What is 33 Lock?

At 33 Locks, we offer modern smart locks for hotels, motels, resorts, and hostels. It’s that simple.

Why 33?

Derek and I are both 33 years old. Additionally, 33 marked a significant age for both of us with many personal and professional milestones. While having pursued entrepreneurial ventures in the past, we both felt we had gathered valuable experience in our careers to invest in ourselves and build something of our own. So after numerous brainstorming sessions over sushi and beer, we decided to start 33 Lock.

The problems we identified

Both of us have worked in the hospitality tech space for several years. While the hospitality software space has seen a lot of innovation, the hardware space has been slower to change. We constantly met customers who wanted to leverage automation software but couldn’t because the hardware required to create this automation was either too expensive or inaccessible.

Furthermore, we realized our customers only had a limited number of lock vendors in the market to choose from. If you are a hotel or motel looking to upgrade locks there are 3-5 manufacturers you will reach out to. While these lock vendors have great products, they come at a premium price. For the larger brands and chain properties, this is an easier pill to chew given higher budgets, however, for smaller boutique and independent properties, this hardware is very expensive.

Our solutions

More options

33 Lock aims to provide another option for our hotel, motel, resort, and hostel customers. Upgrading locks is a 10 to 15-year investment, so we want to ensure our customers have all the information they need to make an educated decision.

Flexibility for Automation

While 33 Locks come ready with access control automation software, our locks are also compatible with industry-leading hospitality software meaning you can pick and choose the right software to support the unique needs of your business. Unlike the other lock brands, we don’t lock you into using proprietary software for the lock’s life.

Affordable prices for more functionality

Our locks are affordable, and in many cases, half the price of competitors. All of our locks come with more functionality including access codes, remote unlock, and key cards, whereas other competitors often only provide 2-3 key types at most. There are no hidden fees associated with enabling these capabilities, which means you have the ultimate flexibility to offer tailored experiences for your guests.

Want more information?

If you own or manage a motel, hotel, or hostel, and are interested in learning more about our business, products, and services, feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to learn more about your property and see if we can work together to bring modern locks and automation into your business.


5 Reasons for Upgrading Your Old Motel and Hotel Locks to Smart Locks