Hoteliers, Take Notice: Tech Trends Ready to Disrupt Your Lobby in 2024

Robot and humans working together.

The Year Ahead

The hospitality industry is expected to experience yet another year of technological innovation, and it's not just a new paint job and fancy towels we're talking about. We expect 2024 to be all about hyper-personalized experiences, seamless convenience, and a touch of futuristic flair.

Frictionless Freedom

While early adopters benefitted from the implementation of digital check and leaner front desk models during and post-pandemic, 2024 could be the year contactless check-in is more widely adopted. Beyond smart lock innovation, ID verification has become more advanced, allowing managers and owners to digitally verify their guests with confidence while leveraging this data to fight fraud, property damage, and chargeback requests.

Smart Locks Unlock a New World

Ditch the clunky keycards and embrace the sleekness of smart locks. These high-tech marvels will seamlessly integrate with your contactless check-in, allowing you to unlock your door with a tap on your phone, with a pin code, a key card, or 100% remotely. With the launch of 33 Lock, smart locks are now available for properties of all shapes and sizes, regardless of their primary needs, or budgetary requirements.

AI Gets Personal

AI will become staff and guests’ new best friend. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by artificial intelligence will become commonplace, offering 24/7 personalized service. AI can assist in repetitive customer service tasks such as assisting with room bookings, changing reservations, requesting in-room services, or providing local recommendations. While it may take time for integration with property management systems and other software providers, we expect to see AI being utilized more and more in the daily operations at properties.

Sustainability Steals the Spotlight

Green isn't just a color anymore, it's the new gold standard in hospitality. Many properties are going all-in on sustainable practices, with energy-positive buildings, smart sensors that optimize resource usage, and a focus on local, eco-friendly amenities. While greenwashing will still be a concern, owners and managers of hotels and motels now have all the tools needed to truly deliver a sustainable experience across their property.

Robots Join the Workforce

Don't worry, the Terminator isn't coming. But robots are adding their whirring charm to the hospitality scene. Many hotels around the world have introduced robots which can delivery room service, or other items requested by a guest. This has minimized the need for staff to deliver these items, and in turn, reduces the time between an order and a request, to the time of delivery. Think of it as a friendly robot uprising that benefits everyone.

Beyond the Buzzwords

With all the resources, and new and innovative tools available to managers and owners today, 2024 promises to be the year where your guest stays become an experience, not just a place to sleep. While all of these may be attractive and could be beneficial to any property, it’s about understanding the needs and defining the vision of your property, and implementing the solutions that best address those needs.


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