Direct API vs. 3rd Party Integration: Unveiling the Smart Lock Integration Puzzle

Integrating Smart Locks with Current Tech

Hotels, motels and resorts are racing to adopt smart locks, enticed by the potential to boost security, streamline operations, and deliver customized guest experiences. While 33 Lock offers out-of-the-box access control management software for all customers, some customers have more complex requirements as a result of their growth. Therefore, a crucial decision emerges: direct API integration or relying on a 3rd party solution? Navigating this crossroads requires understanding the strengths and trade-offs of each path.

Luckily, one of the reasons why 33 Lock is Flexible is because we give our customers the option to leverage our affordable out-of-the-box access control platform, integrate directly via APIs, or leverage the software of one of our premier 3rd party software partners.

Direct API Integration: A Tightrope Walk to Smart Lock Freedom


  • Granular Control: Direct access to the lock's API empowers you to tailor functionalities to your specific needs. Create custom guest workflows, integrate with unique access protocols, and personalize the experience to perfection.

  • Reduced Reliance: Bypass the middleman and eliminate dependence on 3rd-party systems. This translates to potentially faster response times, improved data security, and freedom from unexpected compatibility hiccups.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: In the long run, direct API integration can be more cost-efficient, especially for hotels with large guest volumes or complex needs.


  • Technical Expertise: Integrating directly with an API requires in-house technical expertise or hiring specialists, adding to implementation and ongoing maintenance costs.

  • Development Burden: You'll need to dedicate resources to building and maintaining custom integrations, diverting focus from core hotel operations like delivering positive guest experiences.

  • Limited Scalability: If you manage multiple properties or foresee further tech expansion, integrating with individual APIs for each property management system can become unwieldy and resource-intensive.

3rd Party Integration: A Bridge of Convenience for Smart Locks


  • Plug-and-Play Simplicity: Pre-built integrations offered by 3rd party platforms offer a quick and easy-to-implement solution. No API expertise required, just seamless plug-and-play functionality.

  • Centralized Management: Manage all your smart locks, regardless of brand, from a single platform. This simplifies operations, streamlines reporting, and offers a unified guest experience across properties.

  • Reduced IT Load: Offload the integration complexities to the 3rd party provider. Focus on your core business while they handle the technical heavy lifting.

  • Ongoing Innovation: 3rd party integrators work with many other customers, which means your subscription fees give you immediate access to features and capabilities driven by your peers.


  • Less Control: You relinquish some control over functionalities and customization when relying on pre-built integrations. Adapting to specific workflows or integrating unique features might require working within some limitations of the 3rd party platform.

  • Potential Costs: Subscription fees for the 3rd party platform can add to your operational costs, especially for smaller hotels or those with limited use cases.

  • Vendor Dependence: You become reliant on the 3rd party platform for functionality, uptime, and data security. Any platform hiccups or security vulnerabilities can impact your hotel operations.

The Verdict: A Balancing Act

The best path forward depends on your unique needs and resources. Consider these factors:

  • Technical Expertise: Do you have the in-house skills or budget to handle direct API integration? Do you foresee ongoing iterations and support for this type of integration?

  • Customization Needs: How specific and unique are your requirements for smart lock functionalities and guest workflows?

  • Scalability Plans: Do you anticipate your future growth will require you to integrate with other hotel technologies?

  • Budget Constraints: Can you afford the upfront costs and ongoing maintenance for direct API integration? Would any possible downtime of 3rd party integrators be cheaper than resolving downtime issues with your custom application?

For some hotels, the convenience and centralized management of a 3rd party platform might outweigh the limitations. Others with complex needs or a commitment to deep customization might opt for the freedom and control of direct API integration.

Ultimately, the key is to carefully assess your priorities and resources before charting your course. Embrace the possibilities offered by smart locks, but do so with a clear understanding of the integration landscape and how each path affects your unique journey.


Choosing Between Online and Offline Locks: Finding the Right Smart Lock for your property.


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